In memoriam Sergei Magnitski - and a hommage to Fyodor Dostoyevsky and to Leos Janacek
When back in 1862 Fyodor Dostoyevsky published "The House of the Dead" (Russian: Записки из Мёртвого дома, German: "Aufzeichnungen aus einem Totenhaus"), an account of his years as detainee in a Siberian prison camp, he probably did so hoping that some day in the future, the horrors he described would come to an end in Russia.
His description of the far worse conditions under which prisoners in custody are hold in comparison to those already convicted, are echoed, 147 years later, in the wording of a report by Markus Ackeret (Neue Zürcher Zeitung Nr.275, Thursday November 26, 2009, p.5) on the Case of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitski: "Die Zustände in den Untersuchungsgefängnissen gelten als bedeutend schlimmer als in den Strafkolonien. Besonders berüchtigt ist das Butyrka Gefängnis in Moskau..."
The libretto of Leos Janacek's opera "Z mrtvého domu" ("Aus einem Totenhaus")written in 1927 is a collage of citations from Dostoyevsky's original text. Under the direction of Calixto Bieito on the opera program of Theater Basel 2009/2010, the opera is put into the context of the continuity of inhumane criminal punishment throughout the 19th and the 20th century to this day.
And, in a surprising way,Janacek, Calixto Bieito and the fantastic musical performers at Theater Basel can be seen as a bow before the latest victims of Russian criminal justice which seems to be unable so far to overcome a terrible tradition. President Medvedev, who, in an act of personal courage, has ordered an investigation on the case of Sergei Magnitski, should be graciously asked to invite Calixto Bieito and the Theater Basel to show Janacek's opera in Moscow.

Foto Copyright Hans-Jörg Michel and Theater Basel
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