Why Swiss People's Party (SVP) would be happy to see Switzerland becoming a target of hate campaigns
The popular initiative to ban minaret construction in Switzerland will most probably win the majority of Swiss voters on this Sunday, 29 November 2009, with the exception of liberal cantons like Basel and Geneva). By imposing a nation-wide ban for the construction of minarets, it is a logical step in the strategical objective of the party: to turn back Switzerland from a modern, liberal,multiethnic, tolerant country back into a extremely nationalist, reactionary, intolerant, xenophobic nation. To achieve this ultimate objective of the party, it is very important that Switzerland becomes the target of hate campaigns from outside. This would be helpful to create a climate of fear and intolerance and to unite the citizens under an authoritarian political regime.
Swiss People's Party greatest satisfaction would be a terror attack of the Nine Eleven type on our country, and if such an attack is not imminent, SVP politics are consciously designed to provoke just that. While SVP tries to convince our citizens that it is the only political group acting in the general interest of the country, and likes to accuse opponents of high treason, the question might be justified if the Swiss People's Party is not itself a major agent of hight treason against the general interest of our country.
Questioning the world from a liberal perspective, in the traditional European sense of the word, i.e. personal freedom of thought, of speech and of economical activity in the framework of a state of law regardless of gender, race or religion. The editor of this blog feels indepted, for the development of his approach to practical philosophy, to authors like Erasmus of Rotterdam, Voltaire, I.P.V.Troxler, Gottfried Keller and to Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009

In memoriam Sergei Magnitski - and a hommage to Fyodor Dostoyevsky and to Leos Janacek
When back in 1862 Fyodor Dostoyevsky published "The House of the Dead" (Russian: Записки из Мёртвого дома, German: "Aufzeichnungen aus einem Totenhaus"), an account of his years as detainee in a Siberian prison camp, he probably did so hoping that some day in the future, the horrors he described would come to an end in Russia.
His description of the far worse conditions under which prisoners in custody are hold in comparison to those already convicted, are echoed, 147 years later, in the wording of a report by Markus Ackeret (Neue Zürcher Zeitung Nr.275, Thursday November 26, 2009, p.5) on the Case of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitski: "Die Zustände in den Untersuchungsgefängnissen gelten als bedeutend schlimmer als in den Strafkolonien. Besonders berüchtigt ist das Butyrka Gefängnis in Moskau..."
The libretto of Leos Janacek's opera "Z mrtvého domu" ("Aus einem Totenhaus")written in 1927 is a collage of citations from Dostoyevsky's original text. Under the direction of Calixto Bieito on the opera program of Theater Basel 2009/2010, the opera is put into the context of the continuity of inhumane criminal punishment throughout the 19th and the 20th century to this day.
And, in a surprising way,Janacek, Calixto Bieito and the fantastic musical performers at Theater Basel can be seen as a bow before the latest victims of Russian criminal justice which seems to be unable so far to overcome a terrible tradition. President Medvedev, who, in an act of personal courage, has ordered an investigation on the case of Sergei Magnitski, should be graciously asked to invite Calixto Bieito and the Theater Basel to show Janacek's opera in Moscow.

Foto Copyright Hans-Jörg Michel and Theater Basel
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Swissness as the Swiss People's Party defines it
banning minarets, walling the country against immigration
The political megatrend in Switzerland, as demonstrated by the latest politician's rating published by Neue Zürcher Zeitung, shows a clear polarization towards the extreme poles on the left (social democrats SP and greens GP) and the extreme right (Swiss People's Party SVP/UDC). No wonder the climate is rapidly deteriorating, the political propaganda is becoming increasingly aggressive in style.
The popular initiative launched by SVP which aims at the country-wide prohibition of erecting minarets has unleashed an aggressivity unknown in Switzerland since the times of the Sonderbund war in 1847.(In Europe, the type of propaganda in use has been first seen in Germany during the Weimar Republic -1918 to 1933- with avantgarde artists like Heartfield and Grosz on the forefront, and was brought to perfection later by the propaganda machines of the Soviet Union and of Nazi Germany). This "Shock and Awe" propaganda style disappeared after World War II. It reemerged in the Sixties, and later has been used for commercial advertising (e.g. by BENETTON)
The latest victim of the SVP propaganda machine has been the Roman-Catholic bishop Kurt Koch who is accused of being a traitor after having declared his opposition to the initiative.
The term of "Landesverrat" (high treason) has become more and more fashionable lately inside of the SVP and is used every time a member of that party vocalizes the slightest dissension from the official party line.
One question arises from this political trend: is the SVP consciously trying to put this country on a path that could end in a either a reenactment of the German Democratic Republic which had to protect it's territorial integrity by a wall and an order to kill anybody willing to cross the border, or produce a copy of the wall the Israelis put up against the Palestinians?

The Swiss People's Party has given proof of exploiting xenophobic and racist tendencies since the arrival of Christoph Blocher at it's commands and continues to show a will to proceed to a political and ethnical homogenization of the country under the cover of protecting a liberal market economy, and it consciously takes the risk of triggering readiness for ethnical cleansing in the brains of modest citizens by it's propaganda methods.
The left has been surprisingly shy and has failed to come out massively against the minaret initiative, but on the other hand has tried to copy the SVP propaganda style by publishing a poster displaying a photography of Doris Leuthard, federal minister of the economy, with hand full of blood, as an illustration for the argument to ban export of weaponry from Switzerland, another popular initiative to be voted on november 27, 2009.
Meanwhile, the fact that posters of the minaret initiative have been banned from public advertising areas in some cantons has led to a well orchestrated outcry by the initiative committee over repression of free speech and censorship...
Poor Switzerland.
banning minarets, walling the country against immigration
The political megatrend in Switzerland, as demonstrated by the latest politician's rating published by Neue Zürcher Zeitung, shows a clear polarization towards the extreme poles on the left (social democrats SP and greens GP) and the extreme right (Swiss People's Party SVP/UDC). No wonder the climate is rapidly deteriorating, the political propaganda is becoming increasingly aggressive in style.
The popular initiative launched by SVP which aims at the country-wide prohibition of erecting minarets has unleashed an aggressivity unknown in Switzerland since the times of the Sonderbund war in 1847.(In Europe, the type of propaganda in use has been first seen in Germany during the Weimar Republic -1918 to 1933- with avantgarde artists like Heartfield and Grosz on the forefront, and was brought to perfection later by the propaganda machines of the Soviet Union and of Nazi Germany). This "Shock and Awe" propaganda style disappeared after World War II. It reemerged in the Sixties, and later has been used for commercial advertising (e.g. by BENETTON)
The latest victim of the SVP propaganda machine has been the Roman-Catholic bishop Kurt Koch who is accused of being a traitor after having declared his opposition to the initiative.
The term of "Landesverrat" (high treason) has become more and more fashionable lately inside of the SVP and is used every time a member of that party vocalizes the slightest dissension from the official party line.
One question arises from this political trend: is the SVP consciously trying to put this country on a path that could end in a either a reenactment of the German Democratic Republic which had to protect it's territorial integrity by a wall and an order to kill anybody willing to cross the border, or produce a copy of the wall the Israelis put up against the Palestinians?

The Swiss People's Party has given proof of exploiting xenophobic and racist tendencies since the arrival of Christoph Blocher at it's commands and continues to show a will to proceed to a political and ethnical homogenization of the country under the cover of protecting a liberal market economy, and it consciously takes the risk of triggering readiness for ethnical cleansing in the brains of modest citizens by it's propaganda methods.
The left has been surprisingly shy and has failed to come out massively against the minaret initiative, but on the other hand has tried to copy the SVP propaganda style by publishing a poster displaying a photography of Doris Leuthard, federal minister of the economy, with hand full of blood, as an illustration for the argument to ban export of weaponry from Switzerland, another popular initiative to be voted on november 27, 2009.
Meanwhile, the fact that posters of the minaret initiative have been banned from public advertising areas in some cantons has led to a well orchestrated outcry by the initiative committee over repression of free speech and censorship...
Poor Switzerland.
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