"Monarchie bananière" et "Cheval noir"
Aujourd'hui, la Neue Zürcher Zeitung décrit François Bayrou comme "cheval noir" qui aurait échappé au propriétaire de son écurie, l'UDF (seul mouvement libéral de la France) et plus particulièrement à l'ancien Président de la République, Giscard d'Estaing. Il y a deux raisons pour Giscard de se fâcher contre le "cheval noir":
a) Etant ENArque lui-même,il y lui-même toujours été un membre proéminent de la "monarchie bananière" apostrophiée hier sur France Culture par la Verte Corinne Lepage (dont ont peu admirer le courage du soutenir un libéral et d'afficher sa conviction qu'écologiee et économie de marché ne sont pas en contradiction irréparable)
b) Bayrou propose un projet simplifié pour la Constitution Européenne dont Giscard a été le père spirituel...
Vous trouverez les sites web de Bayrou et de Corinne Lepage dans la liste des liens.
"Banana Monarchy" and "Black Horse"
Yesterday, on French radio station "France Culture", a refreshing interview with one of the less known dozens of candidates for the French presidential election, Corinne Lepage. This outspoken lady has already made public her preference for the liberal François Bayrou who at present is classified third in the presidential race behind the official big party candidates Nicolas Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal.
While openly addressing ecological subjects, she refuses to accept the wide-spread view that market economy and ecological objectives are incompatible. Why does she take sides at this early stage of the campaign`with a liberal outsider? She explains that France has become a "banana monarchy" which means that the power centers of the state are in the hands of an extremely restricted and inbred elite of men and women who have started their carreer as students at the ENA (Ecole Nationale d'Administration), the so-called "Enarchs", with little or no contact with the economic and societal reality of the population.
Her programme is worth reading even for those who do not share her views on nuclear power plants. You will find it along with the one of François Bayrou on the link list.
Today, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung describes François Bayrou as "Black Horse" escaping control by his owner (former French President Giscard d'Estaing and the "Union pour la Démocratie Française UDF", the only serious liberal movement in France). It is clear that Giscard d'Estaing ist angry about the "black horse" for two simple reasons:
a) Giscard has always been a prominent "ENArque" and member of the "banana monarchy" nomenclatura, and
b) Bayrou is suggesting a new, simplified project for the European Constitution the core programme of which had been masterminded by Giscard himself...
Added to the before mentioned should be that it would be unusual for Monsieur le Président Jacques Chirac ... to just step down. He is and has always been a man with a remarkable talent for "historic" changes ...
One can be certain, that the very Gallic appeal to the "grandeur of the nations soul" will soon be succeeded by Cbirac' implied "non-endorsement" of Nicolas Sarkozy. The thematical ground was laid and merely needs to be completed by the political direction favoured.
I dare say: François Bayrou will be the next president of France. ... As the NZZ suggested yesterday: Let us hope, Swiss Politicians understand the message.
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